Reindeer Games
Hi everyone!
In my last blog post, I wrote that this Christmas Eve, my family was starting a few new traditions. We decided to play three new games! And three games we played indeed.
The first was an unwrapping gift game. The goal of this game is to unwrap the wrapped gift as fast as you can. The catch, you must first be wearing the Santa hat, and be wearing oven mitts! The person beside you is attempting to roll doubles on a pair of dice, and when they do, they are the next contestant on Unwrap the Gift: Oven Mitt Edition.

So here's the deal...we made it look pretty easy. This game is tough! By the time some people got the oven mitts and hat on, the next person had rolled doubles. Or the wrapping paper wasn't ripping with the mitts.

We sure did have a lot of laughs!

One huge piece of advice for this game, choose a gift that absolutely will not break when bashed. Here's why...

Uncle Steve figured out that the only way this gift was going to open was with a good smack. And yes, the wrapping paper was able to be torn!

Rylie was the winner!
The second game in the reindeer games lineup was Shoveling Snow. And not the kind you're thinking!
They're cotton balls! Your youngest reindeer goes first. The goal is to scoop as many snow balls into a dish in 60 seconds using only a plastic spoon and your mouth. Scores in our group ranged from 2-16 snowballs.

Levi was the winner of this game!
Finally, everyone participated in a good old fashioned yankee swap with small presents.
I highly recommend these three games! They were interactive, and good for all age groups :) Maybe we'll try something new next year. Who knows! Do you have a reindeer game you love to play at your Christmas party? Write me in the comments section!