Can You Guess Her Breeds?

Hi everyone!
Many of you know my 9 month old puppy Anouk. If you've had the pleasure of meeting her, you probably have had the same question we've had...
Why is she so crazy?
Just kidding. But we wonder that too sometimes. As a dog owner, the number one question I'm asked is "what kind of dog is she?" I say, "she's a rescue". In other words, we have no idea.
See, Anouk and her 7 other siblings were rescued from under a barn in Memphis, TN. Mom was nowhere in sight. The kind folks at Wilson Animal Rescue raised the pups, bottle feeding them and nurturing them with incredible care. Puppies are a lot of work. But I mean look at this face.

Photo courtesy of Wilson Animal Rescue
Yeah, I thought so too. Nouka was transported from Tennessee as fast as we could get her here. She's made us whole. It may sound cliche, but until you've loved a dog it's a hidden part of you that you didn't know existed. She's got us wrapped around her pretty little paw.

I didn't occur to me until today that both my dog and fiance were born in the South, and they both spent their childhood in southern NH. In fact, at the exact same farm. It's a pretty special place.

So the question remains, what kind of dog is she? The good news is that were about to find out! Last week, we completed a doggie DNA test! (such a cool Christmas present). In a week or so, we will receive the results back. The results will tell us what breeds Anouk's DNA contains back her great-grandparent level!

So here is the challenge!
Between now and when we receive the results back (ASAP), we would like to hear what breeds you think Anouk is! You may list up to 6 breeds. Do all the research you wish to, I encourage looking up dog breeds. For your reference, there are the photos I've included on this blog post, as well as on Facebook under The Adventures of Anouk here.
And that's it! The person with the closest guesses to Anouk's breed profile might be mailed a little surprise :) Here are the most recent photos of her for your guesses! One final note, you can write your guess in the comments of this blog post, or in the comments on the Facebook post. We're looking forward to FINALLY finding out what this little rescue pup is!
