Anouk's 5 Breeds!

Hi friends!
Today is the day! I received the email this morning that Anouk's DNA has been analyzed.
And on that note...
Anouk is a mix of 5 breeds!

I had NO IDEA that she was almost 40% Chow Chow! Or 1/4 Great Pyrenees! And the other breeds detected were even matches! So what were her parents, great grandparents, and x2 great grandparents?

According to the ancestry tree, Anouk's great-great grandparents were pure bred! 3 were chow, 2 pyrenees, a boxer, an american staffordshire, and a lab! This means that Anouk is made up of only 5 breeds!
The result packet was very informative. It has descriptions of personality traits we may see in Anouk, and they were spot on. For example, with her Chow Chow and Great Pyrenees DNA, Anouk may have an "independent spirit but responds well to a reward-based approach to training involving treats or favorite toys." Also, "can be standoffish and wary with strangers and has a tendency to bark". I can't begin to describe how accurate this is.
Something very interesting that I read was where Anouk gets her color from. Both the Boxer and American Staffordshire are known for their brindle coloration. It makes complete sense!
They also predict Anouk's adult weight to be between 55-85 lbs. Right now she's about 45 lbs, so she may fill out a bit more.
They also provide information regarding multidrug screening sensitivity for genetic mutation, as well as exercise-induced collapse. Anouk is clear for both of these.

I highly recommend the Wisdom Panel for finding out what your mixed breed pup is! Knowing this information has helped me to understand her behaviors, her expected weight, and any genetic conditions she may have had. If you're interested in the Wisdom Panel for your pup, I have a $15 off coupon for one lucky reader! Let me know if you're interested :)
Thanks for staying tuned through these blog posts! Write us in the comments if you have any questions about the results or our experience with the test.
Shan & Nouka