Lexsy & Anouk

Hi everyone,
Lexsy & Anouk, where do I begin?
I was in the 4th grade when my aunt and uncle got Lexsy. She was a little butterball! When I found out they were getting a dog I could not contain my excitement. Me being me, I created an entire care booklet for their new puppy. I still have it to this day :) Anyways, my cousins and I grew up with this golden sweetheart who is still known as "the pond dog" to everyone living nearby. If I were a dog, I would love to live Lexsy's life. She spends her days running around the pond, taking naps in the garage, and well, being Lexsy!
Last summer when I adopted Anouk, I didn't know how Lexsy would react to my hyper puppy. Not to mention, during my cousin's graduation party, and I think Anouk was maybe 2 months old! Lexsy was wonderful with baby Nouka. She tolerated her ears constantly being bitten and was so gentle. Honestly, Lexsy is a saint.
Now Anouk is 9 months old and still a maniac. Lexsy is still a sweet gentle girl at about 12 years old. We went over to see Lexsy a few days ago and the girls had a ball.

They are so cute! Every photo of Anouk this winter includes her entire face being covered in snow. She's always digging.

Pretty Lexsy girl.

They're inseparable! Nouka is so lucky to have a friend like Lexsy.
We're looking forward to having some warm pond-play dates soon! Canoe rides, fishing, swimming. Until then, we gotta get through this thing called winter, and although it feels
like a mighty long time until summer, it'll be here before we know it.
Have a photo of a dog you love? I would love to see it :) Share your photo in the comments of this blog post on Facebook!