
Hi everyone, Tante Shan here.
This is Oli :) Mama Rylie is currenly cruising away on vacation and Olive is hanging out with me for the week. Any friendly fluff that comes to see me is going to have a photoshoot, and by golly did we ever.
So let's share some fun facts about Oli!

Olive has his own Instagram handle, go and give him a follow: @oliolioxynfree8

He has his very own snuggle sack that he adores.

He has a super cute nose, and whiskers.

Oli loves snacks. Rylie brought over some lettuce and blueberries, and wow that boy can eat! He also eats his guinea pig feed, as well as timothy hay.

Olive makes a LOT of noises. Earlier when I was opening a bag of chips, he sounded like a donkey. Other times he sounds like a bird. He purrs like a cat when he's being held. He really is something to listen to!

Finally, his mouth makes this adorable "o" shape. There are giant followings of people that can't get enough of little guinea pig mouths, and you might see why. He's a cutie!
I'll share one more.

A big round of app-paws for Oli! Since finishing this blog post, Olive has returned home with his Mama. Lots of snuggles!
Stay tuned for something newthis summer! I'm going to be posting a series of vlogs (video blog posts!) that I believe are best captured through video. I'm excited to share these with you all. Enjoy the sun!
Much love,