Our Home

"See, where we've been Won't you hold my hand and stay awhile
You're the one I want You're the one I need"
-Greta Van Fleet-
Dear Reader,
Just before writing this post, Anouk and I went for a romp through the snow in the back of our home. The snow blanketed the earth in white, and a snow globe of flurries surrounded us. Have you ever felt so content and at peace in a moment where everything around you continues, but time seems to stop? Those are moments in life to cherish and to hold on to for a long time.
I've done a great deal of thinking lately about inner peace and how to keep this despite daily trials that we face. I'm a firm believer in finding space in this world to find this peace. And if you can't find it, keep searching for it until you do. And when you do find it, live there.
When our now home was listed on the housing market, we just had to see it. It was a "when you know, you just know" kind of thing. We scheduled an appointment to see the house one afternoon, and I've never quite felt the same since. We walked the grounds with the realtor and ended up on the river bank standing in what would be our beach. I got lost looking into the tall firs across the river, silence overtaking everything the realtor was saying. There was no denying my love for this land; Levi asked me what I thought and I immediately said "this is ours". For the weeks leading up to the sale, I felt this magnetic pull and nervous energy until the house was pronounced ours. When you know, you know.
We're never going to take our home for granted. It's everything we've wanted and more. It's our sanctuary. It's cozy, and quiet, and peaceful. It's ours. We've come so far to find this place. Most of all, we never settled on lives that were not meant for us. We took a lot of chances and risks in hopes we would end up where we were supposed to. There is a beautiful light at the end of that tunnel, reader. I guess what this is all means is that I hope you will chase after the sun, the moon, and all the stars if it brings you peace.
I would love to share some images of our home that I recently took. For those that asked for these a month ago, thank you for your patience. We haven't completely moved in yet, but from what I'm told, you never truly move in to a home. It's a lifelong process. Nonetheless, please enjoy these images. And if you like these, I've decided to devote an Instagram handle to our growing farmhouse in the great north woods. You can find this at @ladyfryesfarm.

Much love,
Lady Frye